Another Asian beauty, Hammasa Kohistani claimed the title of Miss England last year. Born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, this 18-year old is ambitious, beautiful and athletic. Her parents, who are from Afghanistan, fled the country before Hammasa was born and landed in Uzbekistan. Today, the model lives in England. The 5' foot 7.5" beauty speaks Persian, French, English and Russian.
In her short career, Hammasa has done several notable modelling jobs including working with England's SuperDrug, the GAP, and she was also featured on the cover of ASIANA magazine. She has also been featured on many prominent TV shows, and radio programs.
In her spare time, she enjoys new challenges and traveling. She is a seasoned dancer and has performed professionally in an unusual fusion of RnB, hip-hop and belly dancing! She hopes to use the title as an opportunity to travel more.
wow gold on June 17, 2011 at 01:47
Cynthia on May 20, 2012 at 07:45
KALEEBU EDWARD on October 07, 2012 at 04:01