Political Cartoons About Iran

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Cartoon 01 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon 02 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Robert Ariail, The State, South Carolina

Cartoon 03 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Robert Ariail, The State, South Carolina

Cartoon 04 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Nate Beeler, The Washington Examiner

Cartoon 05 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Bill Day, The Commercial Appeal

Cartoon 06 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Chris Britt, The State Journal-Register

Cartoon 07 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Chris Britt, The State Journal-Register

Cartoon 08 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Chris Britt, The State Journal-Register

Cartoon 09 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Gary Brookins, The Richmond Times-Dispatch

Cartoon 10 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Gary Brookins, The Richmond Times-Dispatch

Cartoon 11 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Cameron Cardow, The Ottawa Citizen

Cartoon 13 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Eran Wolkowski, Haaretz (Israel)

Cartoon 14 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Ken Catalino, National/Syndicated

Cartoon 15 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Patrick Chappatte, Le Temps (Switzerland)

Cartoon 16 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by M. e. Cohen

Cartoon 17 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by John Cole, Scranton Times-Tribune

Cartoon 18 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Yaakov Kirschen, The Jerusalem Post

Cartoon 19 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Bob Englehart, The Hartford Courant

Cartoon 20 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Bob Gorrell, AOL News

Cartoon 21 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Rainer Hachfeld, Neues Deutschland (Germany)

Cartoon 22 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Mike Keefe, The Denver Post

Cartoon 23 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Steve Kelley, The New Orleans Times-Picayune

Cartoon 24 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Dick Locher, The Chicago Tribune

Cartoon 25 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Nick Anderson, The Houston Chronicle

Cartoon 26 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Jack Ohman, The Portland Oregonian

Cartoon 27 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Oleg, Women in Green (Israel)

Cartoon 28 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Petar Pismestrovic, Kleine Zeitung (Austria)

Cartoon 30 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Mike Ramirez, Investors Business Daily

Cartoon 31 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Mike Ramirez, The Los Angeles Times

Cartoon 32 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Mike Ramirez, The Los Angeles Times

Cartoon 33 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Mike Ramirez, The Los Angeles Times

Cartoon 34 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Mike Ramirez, Investors Business Daily

Cartoon 35 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Mike Ramirez, The Los Angeles Times

Cartoon 36 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Rob Rogers, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Cartoon 37 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Ed Stein, The Rocky Mountain News

Cartoon 38 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Mike Thompson, The Detroit Free Press

Cartoon 39 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by Gary Varvel, The Indianapolis Star-News

Cartoon 40 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Cartoon by John Sherffius, St Louis

Cartoon 41 - Political Cartoons about Iran
Israel Also Building Nukes - Political Cartoons about Iran

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User Comments
very good. these were funny and for the most part true
james on March 28, 2011 at 05:26
I found some really funny Iranian cartoons on Talkh-o-shirin as well.
Akbar on May 12, 2011 at 11:43
Talkh O Shirin on November 17, 2011 at 01:43
Ahmadinejad never said wipe Israel, thats complete propaganda. He said
WIPE ZIONISM, Why is it that the Jews of all people after all they've
gone through have become the biggest racists in the world.
Truth on November 21, 2011 at 08:47
TRUTH is correct in his statement. While we're at it, let's not
obliterate all Americans, only all thpatriotic Americans who love
their country; that should clear up a few middle-eastern problems.
Sam Hall on December 08, 2011 at 02:21
i wonder if i could use these on youtube... they are too exxagerated
and on some parts very true
raywilliamjohnson on January 30, 2012 at 12:12
bob on March 27, 2012 at 12:11
are you serious?? sam hall ur a fuckin moron. they are a little
exagerated but thats because it is just a political cartoon. It is
still true about Iran building nukes and with no good intentions.
Fuckin dumbass.
chris on April 04, 2012 at 08:13
welcome to american history x....
abraham on April 25, 2012 at 10:16
chris you a bitch
marvin on April 30, 2012 at 12:37
These illustrations are pretty exaggerated as there is no evidence
Iran has weapons of mass destruction as it was in the case of Iraq.
Steve42 on May 26, 2012 at 07:23
And IRAN are warmongers, right.
CCCP on September 19, 2012 at 03:11
weldon on October 11, 2012 at 02:18
i think that u guys are bitches and that all of this is shit.none of
it is true so shut the f*** up and stop putting these retarted
you dont need to no on October 11, 2012 at 06:36
Well very soon A Muslim will stick these bombs up your filthy asses
you fecking mongrels.
Zarri Hashmi on November 04, 2012 at 06:44
i didnt find any of this bs funny. i actually found it really sad
because so many people are going to look at this and feel like they
know what's going on with the situation in the middle east. Read books
people. knowledge is power. dont just look at this situation (or any
situation) from one side. get information and learn from both sides.
Maybe then your statements will be valid.
Truth Hurts on November 13, 2012 at 11:15
tony siema on November 24, 2012 at 10:13
Truth Hurts, your opinion could be taken more seriously if you had
known how to type correctly. Maybe then your statements will be valid.
this is me on January 19, 2013 at 02:11

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