The Bright Side Of US Army Soldiers

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US Army Soldier 01 - The Bright Side of US Army Soldiers
US Army Soldier 02 - The Bright Side of US Army Soldiers
US Army Soldier 03 - The Bright Side of US Army Soldiers
US Army Soldier 04 - The Bright Side of US Army Soldiers
US Army Soldier 05 - The Bright Side of US Army Soldiers
US Army Soldier 06 - The Bright Side of US Army Soldiers
US Army Soldier 07 - The Bright Side of US Army Soldiers
US Army Soldier 08 - The Bright Side of US Army Soldiers
US Army Soldier 19 - The Bright Side of US Army Soldiers
US Army Soldier 20 - The Bright Side of US Army Soldiers
US Army Soldier 21 - The Bright Side of US Army Soldiers
US Army Soldier 22 - The Bright Side of US Army Soldiers
US Army Soldier 23 - The Bright Side of US Army Soldiers
US Army Soldier 24 - The Bright Side of US Army Soldiers
US Army Soldier 25 - The Bright Side of US Army Soldiers
US Army Soldier 26 - The Bright Side of US Army Soldiers
US Army Soldier 27 - The Bright Side of US Army Soldiers

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User Comments
this is what usa is all about love!
yo on March 28, 2011 at 04:08
ESSE Homens São Usados ​​Por Seu Governo Por Questões polícas,
como cais Quais d'Orsay nao valor Mínimo Dão a Vida Dessas PESSOAS
Que Vão Dar SUAS VIDAS, enquanto magnatas FICAM OS Atrás de mesas
SUAS inventando Novos Jogos de Guerra.
warrior on May 24, 2011 at 04:41
That's British assault rifle and camo/gear he's wearing. No US
soldier, but British.
Umm on June 08, 2011 at 12:16
Lol that's a British soldier! US soldiers are all blood thirsty
Bin laden on June 19, 2011 at 01:20
Fotos das horas de intervalo de soldados. Quando não estão sendo
marionetes, são seres humanos como qualquer outro e como qualquer ser
humano, são manipulados por seus supostos lideres, a serem
subordinados burros, buchas de canhão, a serem soldados
"descartaveis", quem são os assasinos? Quem obriga um ser humano a
matar o outro. Quem realmente viu a guerra? Muitos acham que é um
jogo onde tudo é bonitinho, pensam que é só correr e atirar, serão
estes a morrer primeiro na podridão fetida!
... on August 12, 2011 at 10:07
Lol you have yourself posted as Bin Laden that really contradicts your
comment. If you're talking about blood thirsty Bin Laden ranks there
at the top as a professional murderer.
America on October 24, 2011 at 09:11

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