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Working As Designed
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working as designed
BAD /B-A-D/ adj. [IBM: acronym, `Broken As Designed'] Said of a program that is bogus because of bad design and misfeatures rather than because of bugginess.
See working as designed....
BAD: /B-A-D/ [IBM: acronym, `Broken As Designed'] adj.
Said of a program that is {bogus} because of bad design and misfeatures rather than because of bugginess....
Working as Designed n.Colloquialism used by software maintenance people to indicate that while there is a problem
it is not considered to affect the program when the program is used for the purpose for which it was designed....
working as designed adj. [IBM] 1. In conformance to a wrong or inappropriate specificatio
useful, but misdesigned. 2. Frequently used as a sardonic comment on a program's utility....
A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that works.
...A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work....
working as designed: [IBM] adj. 1. In conformance to a wrong or inappropriate specificatio
useful, but misdesigned. 2. Frequently used as a sardonic comment on a program's utility....
Holodeck designed by TARDIS Inc.
When I see a congressman giving his opinion on something, I always wonder if it represents his *real* opinion or if it represents an opinion that he's designed in order to be elected.
It seems to be a central problem for politicians....
Windows 2000: Designed for the Internet. The Interne
Designed for UNIX. -- From a po...