He's Not Pining, He's Passed On! This Parrot Won't Squawk!

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"He's not pining, he's passed on! This parrot won't squawk! He's
ceased to be! He's expired, and gone to meet his maker! It's a
stiff! No breath of life, he may rest in peace! If you hadn't nailed
him to the perch, he'd be pushing up the daisies! He's off the twig!
He's kicked the bucket! He's curled up his tooties! He's shuffled off
this mortal world! He's run down the curtain, and joined the bleed'n
Choir Invincible! HE'S FUCKING SNUFFED IT! Vis-a-vi his metabolic
processes is head is lost. All statements concerning this parrot is no
longer a going concern, after from now on, Inoperative...

