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Joey: He's Right, Man. Please. Move On. Go To China.
Fortune Cookies
Joey: He's right, man. Please. Move on. Go to China. Eat Chinese food.
Chandler: Course there, they just call it food.
Excerpt from the TV Show "Friends"
Ross: Oh come on, we just had this huge fight, all right, don't I have to wait a while?
Chandler: Hey, this isn't like swimming after you eat, pick up the phone!...
Phoebe: We could eat the wax! It's organic. Chandle
Oh great, food with hair on it. Phoebe: No, not the used wax....
Phoebe: Yeah, so I said, "OK, relax please," y'know
I mean, sex can be just about two people right there in the moment, y'know, it's, if he wants to see me again he can call and if not, that's fine too....
Margha: (coming over) The game is over, we eat now?
Chandler: No-no-no-no, the game's not over, we're just switching teams....
Joey: Hey, Monica bought a bed from the "Mattress King"?
Phoebe: Yeah, so please, please, please, don't say anything to Chandler....
Joey and Chandler are watching T.V.] Phoebe: You know you should go outside and be with the three-dimensional people.
Joey: No, inside good, outside bad....
Chandler: Alright, ok, alright. So I can't fire Joseph but uh, I can sleep with his wife.
Joey: Karen. Chandler: Yeah, Karen. I'm thinking about having an affair with her....
Chandler: All right fine, don't do anything, just sit here and talk to us, meanwhile she is talking to him about you.
And he's being Mr. Joe Sensitive,and she starts thinking 'Maybe this is the guy for me, because he understands me....
Joey: If you ask me, as long as you got this job, you've got nothing pushing you to get another one.
You need the fear. Rachel: The fear? Chandler: He's right, if you quit this job, you then have motivation to go after a job you really want....