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Woman: Your Son Was Trespassing On My Property And Destroyed A Very Valuable Stone Gargoyle, And -- Are You Wearing A Grocery Bag?
Fortune Cookies
Homer Simpson
Woman: Your son was trespassing on my property and destroyed a very
valuable stone gargoyle, and -- Are you wearing a grocery bag?
Homer: I have misplaced my pants.
Bart After Dark
Homer: Just a minute! [sounds of grunting and paper tearing] Hello?
Belle: Your son was trespassing on my property and destroyed a very valuable stone gargoyle and....
Bart: Dad, do I have to brush my teeth? Homer: No, but at least rinse your mouth out with soda.
[Bart opens a can and gargles with it] -- Only three cavities?...
Belle: I'm sorry. This is all my fault. Bart was filling in for.
.. Homer: I don't care if he was filling in for Mel Zetz, he's my son, and I don't want him working....
Jacques: First, you must get to know your lane. Feel the slickness, feel the slippery finish.
Caresses it, experience it. Quite smooth, isn't it?...
Bart: Can I, Mom? Can I take the job? Marge: Well -- Home
Why not? I remember my first after school job. I was in a band....
Homer: Aw, I don't know how to punish you. What does Marge usually do?
Bart: She makes me taste beer. Homer: Come on, boy, give your old man a little credit....
Pr.Sk: I caught your son defacing school property this morning.
We estimate the damage is $75, and frankly, we think it's terribly unfair that other taxpayers should foot the bill....
Though I'd been taught at our dining room table about the solar system and knew the earth revolved around the su
and our moon around us, I never found out the moon didn't come up in the west until I was a writer and Herschel Brickell, the literary critic, told me after I misplaced it in a story....
Marge: Now, I know we love the puppies very much, but I think they're getting to be a problem.
Bart: Yeah, they ate all my socks. I have to wear Lisa's to school today....