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I Didn't Want A Hokey Second Wedding Like Those Ones On TV!
Fortune Cookies
Homer Simpson
I didn't want a hokey second wedding like those ones on TV! This one's
for real!
-- Homer Simpson
A Milhouse Divided
Homer: It's a second wedding, honey. Our first one was so crummy, I had to make it up to you.
I really love you. Marge: Oh, Homey. I know you love me....
I will now read these special vows which Homer has prepared for this occasion.
Do you, Marge, take Homer, in richness and in poorness" -- poorness is underlined -- "in impotence and in potence, in quiet solitude or blasting across the alkali flats in a jet-powered, monkey- navigated"....
Marge, can't we get some clear plates? I can't see the TV!
-- Practical Homer, "A Milhouse Divided...
Homer: [on phone] Woo hoo! Aw, Marge, that's great news.
Milhouse: [walking in] Hey hey, there, with the personal calls, Simpson....
Homer: Son, I know you're upset because you thought you saw us on TV saying we didn't want you in our family.
But those were just actors playing us! Ba...
Homer: I'd like to file for... divorce. Clerk: These things happen.
Eight dollars. -- I wonder when she lost her passion for this work, "A Milhouse Divided...
Lovejoy: Dearly beloved... Homer: Wait! I want one last chance to enjoy single life.
[scratches his butt and belches] Okay, ready....
Kirk: Singles life is great, Homer. I can do whatever I want.
Today I drank a beer in the bathroom. Home...
Kirk: What makes you guys so special? Homer: Because Marge and I have one thing that can never be broke
a strong marriage built on a solid foundation of routine. A Milhouse Divided...