An irregular feature that aims to give you advance warning of new jargon
that we've just made up.
* FREE LECTURE: Attempting to explain the concepts of Linux, Open Source
software, free software, and gift cultures to someone who is not
familiar with them. Made extra difficult if the explainee has been
misled by superficial mainstream news articles about the subject.
Example: "Eric gave an hour-long free lecture to his mother-in-law after
she asked him about this Linux thingy she read about in USA Today."
* LEXICON LAZINESS: Filling a fortune file with a list of fake jargon
instead of publishing something more substantive (and funny) that would
take more effort to write.
* FOR(;;)TUNE LOOP: Repeatedly running fortune(6) for cheap entertainment.
Example: "During a coffee break, Bob became bored and started a
for(;;)tune loop. His boss had to issue a SIGTERM to get him to resume