Eep-neep /neep Neep/ N. [onomatopoeic, Widely Spread Through SF Fandom But Reported To Have Originated At Caltech In The 1970s] One Who Is Fascinated By Computers.

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neep-neep /neep neep/ n.

[onomatopoeic, widely spread
through SF fandom but reported to have originated at Caltech in the
1970s] One who is fascinated by computers. Less specific than
hacker, as it need not imply more skill than is required to
boot games on a PC. The derived noun `neeping' applies
specifically to the long conversations about computers that tend to
develop in the corners at most SF-convention parties (the term
`neepery' is also in wide use). Fandom has a related proverb to
the effect that "Hacking is a conversational black hole!".
