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Prestidigitization /pres`t*-di`j*-ti:-zay'sh*n/ N. 1.
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prestidigitization /pres`t*-di`j*-ti:-zay'sh*n/ n.
1. The
act of putting something into digital notation via sleight of hand.
2. Data entry through legerdemain.
prestidigitization /pres`t*-di`j*-ti:-zay'sh*n/ n. 1.
The act of putting something into digital notation via sleight of hand....
clock 1. n 1. [techspeak] The master oscillator that steps a CPU or other digital circuit through its paces.
This has nothing to do with the time of day, although the software counter that keeps track of the latter may be derived from the former....
ark n. [Lewis Carroll, via the Michigan Terminal System] 1.
A system failure. When a user's process bombed, the operator would get the message "Help, Help, Snark in MTS!...
ark: [Lewis Carroll, via the Michigan Terminal System] n.
1. A system failure. When a user's process bombed, the operator would get the message "Help, Help, Snark in MTS!...
chain 1. vi. [orig. from BASIC's CHAIN statement] To hand off execution to a child or successor without going through the OS command interpreter that invoked it.
The state of the parent program is lost and there is no returning to it....
frag n.,v. [from Vietnam-era U.S. military slang via the games Doom and Quake] 1.
To kill another player's avatar in a multiuser game....
defenestration n. [mythically from a traditional Czech assasination method, via SF fandom] 1.
Proper karmic retribution for an incorrigible punster....
awk /awk/ 1. n. [Unix techspeak] An interpreted language for massaging text data developed by Alfred Aho, Peter Weinberger, and Brian Kernighan (the name derives from their initials).
It is characterized by C-like syntax, a declaration-free approach to variable typing and declarations, associative arrays, and field-oriented text processing....
defenestration: [from the traditional Czechoslovakian method of assassinating prime ministers, via SF fandom] n.
1. Proper karmic retribution for an incorrigible punster....