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RL // N. [MUD Community] Real Life. "Firiss Laughs In RL" Means That Firiss's Player Is Laughing.
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RL // n.
[MUD community] Real Life. "Firiss laughs
in RL" means that Firiss's player is laughing. Compare
meatspace; oppose VR.
RL: // [MUD community] n. Real Life. "Firiss laughs in RL" means that Firiss's player is laughing.
Oppose {VR}. -- The AI Hackers Dictionary...
VR // [MUD] n. On-line abbrev for virtual reality, as opposed to RL.
VR: // [MUD] n. On-line abbrev for {virtual reality}, as opposed to {RL}.
-- The AI Hackers Dictionary...
meatspace /meet'spays/ n. The physical world, where the meat lives - as opposed to cyberspace.
Hackers are actually more willing to use this term than `cyberspace', because it's not speculative - we already have a running meatspace implementation (the universe)....
Rl prgrmmrs dnt nd vwl
home page n. 1. One's personal billboard on the World Wide Web.
The term `home page' is perhaps a bit misleading because home directories and physical homes in RL are private, but home pages are designed to be very public....
pod: [Great Britain] n. A lower form of life found on {talker system}s and {MUD}s.
The spod has few friends in {RL} and uses talkers instead, finding communication easier and preferable over the net....
eledildonics: /tel`*-dil-do'-niks/ n. Sex in a computer simulated virtual reality, esp.
computer-mediated sexual interaction between the {VR} presences of two humans....
link-dead adj. [MUD] The state a player is in when they kill their connection to a MUD without leaving it properly.
The player is then commonly left as a statue in the game, and is only removed after a certain period of time (an hour on most MUDs)....