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Usty Iron N. Syn. Tired Iron. It Has Been Claimed That This Is The Inevitable Fate Of Water MIPS.
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rusty iron n.
Syn. tired iron. It has been claimed
that this is the inevitable fate of water MIPS.
usty iron: n. Syn. {tired iron}. It has been claimed that this is the inevitable fate of {water MIPS}.
-- The AI Hackers Dictionary...
heavy metal n. [Cambridge] Syn. big iron.
heavy metal: [Cambridge] n. Syn. {big iron}. -- The AI Hackers Dictionary
usty memory n. Mass-storage that uses iron-oxide-based magnetic media (esp.
ape and the pre-Winchester removable disk packs used in washing machines). Compare donuts....
usty memory: n. Mass-storage that uses iron-oxide-based magnetic media (esp.
ape and the pre-Winchester removable disk packs used in {washing machine}s)....
ired iron n. [IBM] Hardware that is perfectly functional but far enough behind the state of the art to have been superseded by new produc
presumably with sufficient improvement in bang-per-buck that the old stuff is starting to look a bit like a dinosaur....
ired iron: [IBM] n. Hardware that is perfectly functional but far enough behind the state of the art to have been superseded by new produc
presumably with sufficient improvement in bang-per-buck that the old stuff is starting to look a bit like a {dinosaur}....
ink, n: A villainous compound of tannogallate of iron, gum-arabic, and water, chiefly used to facilitate the infection of idiocy and promote intellectual crime.
-- H.L. Mencke...
Iron Law of Distribution Them what has - gets.