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Poiler Space [also `spoiler Spoo'] A Screenful Of Blank Lines (and
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Jargon File
spoiler space
[also `spoiler spoo'] A screenful of blank
lines (and, often, form-feeds) deliberately inserted in a message
following a spoiler warning, so the actual spoiler can't be
seen without hitting a key.
poiler n. [Usenet] 1. A remark which reveals important plot elements from books or movie
hus denying the reader (of the article) the proper suspense when reading the book or watching the movie....
poiler: [USENET] n. 1. A remark which reveals important plot elements from books or movie
hus denying the reader (of the article) the proper suspense when reading the book or watching the movie....
ot13 /rot ther'teen/ n.,v. [Usenet: from `rotate alphabet 13 places'] The simple Caesar-cypher encryption that replaces each English letter with the one 13 places forward or back along the alphabe
o that "The butler did it!" becomes "Gur ohgyre qvq vg!...
ot13: /rot ther'teen/ [USENET: from `rotate alphabet 13 places'] n.
v. The simple Caesar-cypher encryption that replaces each English letter with the one 13 places forward or back along the alphabet, so that "The butler did it!...
plokta /plok't*/ v. [acronym: Press Lots Of Keys To Abort] To press random keys in an attempt to get some response from the system.
One might plokta when the abort procedure for a program is not known, or when trying to figure out if the system is just sluggish or really hung....
pamblock /spam'blok/ n. [poss. by analogy to sunblock] Text inserted in an email address to render it invalid and thus useless to spammers.
For example, the address `' might be transformed to `jrandom@NOSPAM....
MOTAS /moh-tahz/ n. [Usenet: Member Of The Appropriate Sex, after MOTOS and MOTSS] A potential or (less often) actual sex partner.
See also SO....
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This space unintentionally left blank.