Uitably Small Adj.
[perverted From Mathematical Jargon]
An Expression Used Ironically To Characterize Unquantifiable
Behavior That Differs From Expected Or Required Behavior.
An expression used ironically to characterize unquantifiable
behavior that differs from expected or required behavior. For
example, suppose a newly created program came up with a correct
full-screen display, and one publicly exclaimed: "It works!"
Then, if the program dumped core on the first mouse click, one
might add: "Well, for suitably small values of `works'."
Compare the characterization of pi under random numbers.
brute force adj.
Describes a primitive programming style
one in which the programmer relies on the computer's processing
power instead of using his or her own intelligence to simplify the
problem, often ignoring problems of scale and applying naive
methods suited to small problems directly to large ones....