The Store-and-forward Network Consisting Of All
The World's Connected Unix Machines (and Others Running Some Clone
Of The UUCP (Unix-to-Unix CoPy) Software).
The store-and-forward network consisting of all
the world's connected Unix machines (and others running some clone
of the UUCP (Unix-to-Unix CoPy) software). Any machine reachable
only via a bang path is on UUCPNET. This term has been
rendered obsolescent by the spread of cheap Internet connections in
the 1990s; the few remaining UUCP links are essentially slow
channels to the Internet rather than an autonomous network. See
network address.
he network n.
1. Historicaslly, the union of all the major
noncommercial academic, and hacker-oriented networks, such as
Internet, the pre-1990 ARPANET, NSFnet, BITNET, and the
virtual UUCP and Usenet `networks', plus the corporate
in-house networks and commercial time-sharing services (such as
CompuServe, GEnie and AOL) that gateway to them....
etwork, the: n. 1. The union of all the major noncommercial
academic, and hacker-oriented networks, such as Internet, the old
ARPANET, NSFnet, {BITNET}, and the virtual UUCP and {USENET}
`networks', plus the corporate in-house networks and commercial
time-sharing services (such as CompuServe) that gateway to them....