[from the television series
"Dr. Who"] Computations so fiendishly subtle and complex that
they could not be performed by machines. Used to refer to any task
that should be expressible as an algorithm in theory, but isn't.
(The Z80's LDIR instruction, "Computed Block Transfer with
increment", may also be relevant.)
o-op: /noh'op/ alt. NOP /nop/ [no operation] n. 1. (also v.)
A machine instruction that does nothing (sometimes used in
assembler-level programming as filler for data or patch areas, or
to overwrite code to be removed in binaries)....
brute force adj.
Describes a primitive programming style
one in which the programmer relies on the computer's processing
power instead of using his or her own intelligence to simplify the
problem, often ignoring problems of scale and applying naive
methods suited to small problems directly to large ones....