[Usenet: portmanteau, clue + two-by-four] The
notional stick with which one whacks an aggressively clueless
person. This term derives from a western American folk saying
about training a mule "First, you got to hit him with a
two-by-four. That's to get his attention." The clue-by-four is a
close relative of the LART.
oggle vt.
To change a bit from whatever state it is
in to the other state o change from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1. This
comes from `toggle switches', such as standard light switches,
though the word `toggle' actually refers to the mechanism that
keeps the switch in the position to which it is flipped rather than
to the fact that the switch has two positions....
oggle: vt. To change a {bit} from whatever state it is in to the
other state o change from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1. This comes from
`toggle switches', such as standard light switches, though the
word `toggle' actually refers to the mechanism that keeps the
switch in the position to which it is flipped rather than to the
fact that the switch has two positions....