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Copper N. Conventional Electron-carrying Network Cable With A Core Conductor Of Copper -- Or Aluminum!
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copper n.
Conventional electron-carrying network cable with
a core conductor of copper -- or aluminum! Opposed to light pipe or, say, a short-range m
copper: n. Conventional electron-carrying network cable with a core conductor of copper -- or aluminum!
Opposed to {light pipe} or, say, a short-range microwave link. -- The AI Hackers Dictionary...
light pipe n. Fiber optic cable. Oppose copper.
light pipe: n. Fiber optic cable. Oppose {copper}. -- The AI Hackers Dictionary
Copper nitrate- What policemen get paid for working in the evenings.
I pay my taxes in copper pieces. -- Famous Last Word
Copper occurs in nature mixed with other minerals and valuable metals in ore, and the proportion of copper in the ore can vary considerably.
Until fairly recently, the only way to extract pure copper from ore was by using a process that requires large amounts of electric energy, especially if the proportion of copper in the ore is low....
hamster n. 1. [Fairchild] A particularly slick little piece of code that does one thing well
a small, self-contained hack. The image is of a hamster happily spinning its exercise wheel....
hamster: n. 1. [Fairchild] A particularly slick little piece of code that does one thing well
a small, self-contained hack. The image is of a hamster {happily} spinning its exercise wheel....
Mr. Salter's side of the conversation was limited to expressions of assent.
When Lord Copper was right he said "Definitely, Lord Coppe...