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Jose's Axiom: Nothing Is A Temporary As That Which Is Called Permanent.
Fortune Cookies
Jose's Axiom: Nothing is a temporary as that which is called
permanent. Corollary: Nothing is a permanent as that which is
called temporary.
Nothing is as permanent as that which is called temporary.
Nothing is as temporary as that which is called permanent.
1) There is nothing more permanent than a temporary building.
(2) There is nothing more permanent than a temporary tax. -- Mix's Law...
Mix's Law: There is nothing more permanent than a temporary building.
There is nothing more permanent than a temporary tax....
Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program. -- Milton Friedma
pike v. To defeat a selection mechanism by introducing a (sometimes temporary) device that forces a specific result.
The word is used in several industries; telephone engineers refer to spiking a relay by inserting a pin to hold the relay in either the closed or open state, and railroaders refer to spiking a track switch so that it cannot be moved....
pike: v. To defeat a selection mechanism by introducing a (sometimes temporary) device that forces a specific result.
The word is used in several industries; telephone engineers refer to spiking a relay by inserting a pin to hold the relay in either the closed or open state, and railroaders refer to spiking a track switch so that it cannot be moved....
Sleep in the chair - nothing to lose But a nap at the wheel - is a permanent snooze.
There is nothing permanent except change. -- Heraclitus (540?-480? B.C.)