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All Countries Hate Their Immediate Neighbors And Like The Next But One.
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All countries hate their immediate neighbors and like the next but one.
(For example, the Poles hate the Germans, Russians, Czechs, and
Lithuanians, and they like the French, Hungarians, Italians, and Latvians.)
-- Professor Charles P. Issawi
Experts in advanced countries underestimate by a factor of 2 to 4 the ability of people in underdeveloped countries to do anything technical.
(Examples: Japanese on warplanes, Russians on the bomb, Iranians on refineries ....
At any given moment, a society contains a certain amount of accumulated and accruing aggressiveness.
If more than twenty-one years elapse without this aggressiveness being directed outward, in a popular war against other countries, it turns inward, in social unrest, civil disturbances, and political disruption....
One cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs -- but it is amazing how many eggs one can break without making a decent omelette.
-- Professor Charles P. Issawi...
Where there are Muslims, there is oil; the converse is not true.
-- Law of Petroleum -- Professor Charles P. Issawi...
Other people's patterns of expenditure and consumption are irrational and slightly immoral.
-- Professor Charles P. Issawi...
In an underdeveloped country, when you are absent, your job is taken away from you
in a developed country a new one is piled on you. -- Professor Charles P. Issawi...
I hate self-referencing tag lines, like this one...