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I Find It Hard To Sit Still In One Spot, And Impossible To Sit Still In Two Spots.
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"I find it hard to sit still in one spot, and impossible to
sit still in two spots."
-- Brother Theodore
ANSI is a person who can't sit still.
Colonel, never go out to meet trouble. If you will just sit still, nine cases out of ten someone will intercept it before it reaches you.
-- Calvin Coolidge (to Theodore Roosevelt)...
I have discovered that all human evil comes from this, man's being unable to sit still in a room.
-- Blaise Pascal...
Their strength is to sit still. -- Old Testament -- Isaiah xxx, 7
Sit there, clod-pate!" cried he; "for let me sit wherever I will, that will still be the upper end, and the place of worship to thee.
-- Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616) -- Don Quixote, Part ii, Book iii, Chap. xxxi...
INJECTION Medical procedure especially developed to scare the shit out of the patient, and give the doctor a feeling of power.
Just sit very still, Mr Jones, while I stick this bloody great needle in you....
All the troubles of man come from his not knowing how to sit still. -- Pascal
It is impossible to experience one's death objectively and still carry a tune. -- Woody Alle