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If Man Asks For Many Laws It Is Only Because He Is Sure That His Neighbor Needs Them
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If man asks for many laws it is only because he is sure that his neighbor
needs them; privately he is an unphilosophical anarchist, and thinks laws
in his own case superfluous.
-- Will Durant
The only measure of a man's usefulness is the extent to which he exercises his talent, according to the laws of his own growth, for the common good.
-- Stanley Kunitz...
After his Ignoble Disgrace, Satan was being expelled from Heaven.
As he passed through the Gates, he paused a moment in thought, and turned to God and said, "A new creature called Man, I hear, is soon to be created....
Pardon him, Theodotus, he is a barbarian, and thinks that the customs of his tribe and island are the laws of nature.
-- George Bernard Shaw...
After his Ignoble Disgrace, Satan was being expelled from Heaven.
As he passed through the Gates, he paused a moment in thought, and turned to God and said, "A new creature called Man, I hear, is soon to be created....
After his Ignoble Disgrace, Satan was being expelled from Heaven.
As he passed through the Gates, he paused a moment in thought, and turned to God and said, A new creature called Man, I hear, is soon to be created....
Man is a religious Animal. He is the only Religious Animal.
He is the only animal that has the True Religion - several of them....
The egoist in the absolute sense is not the man who sacrifices others.
He is the man who stands above the need of using others in any manner....
Man is a Religious Animal. He is the only Religious Animal that has the True Religion -- several of them.
He is the only animal that loves his neighbor as himself and cuts his throat if his theology isn't straight....