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If We Knew What It Was We Were Doing, It Would Not Be Called Research, Would It?
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If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research,
would it?
-- Albert Einstein
If we understood what we were doing it wouldn't be research.
-- Sign at Institute Laue-Langevin (Grenoble)...
If there were no such thing as bears, what kind of hugs would we give?
The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of awareness we were at when we created them.
-- Albert Einstei...
Where the world ceases to be the stage for personal hopes and desires, where we, as free beings, behold it in wonder, to question and to contemplate, there we enter the realm of Art and of Science.
If we trace out what we behold and experience through the language of logic, we are doing science....
It is the theory that decides what we can observe. -- Albert Einstein, -- quoted in Bruce Gregory 'Inventing Reality
Physics as Language'...
If everybody is looking for it, then nobody is finding it.
If we were cultured, we would not be conscious of lacking culture....
Selma: Remember when we were kids, we used to dream about our ideal husbands?
Who knew the dream would come true for one of us. [Marge looks disappointed] Oh, come on!...
Troy: I'm sorry, this whole concept's foreign to me.
Who knew a baby would be so much work? Selma...
Short-term memory? Why would you say I... uh... what were we talking about?