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In This World, You Have To Be Oh So Smart Or Oh So Pleasant.
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In this world, you have to be oh so smart or oh so
pleasant. I spent years being smart. I recommend pleasant.
My mother once said to me, "Elwood," (she always called me Elwood) "Elwood, in this world you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant.
For years I tried smart. I recommend pleasant. -- Elwood P. Dowde, "Harvey...
My mother told me, "Elwood,"--she always called me "Elwood"--"in this world you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant.
Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant....
Lisa: [annoyed] Dad! Homer: Yes, sweetheart? Lisa
Obesity is really unhealthy; any doctor will tell you that....
I am so smart I make myself sick.
Smartness runs in my family. When I went to school I was so smart my teacher was in my class for five years.
-- George Bu...
Gee, do you work here? And I always thought you were so smart!
Homer: Woo-hoo! I'm a college man! I won't need my high school diploma any more!
[sets fire to it and starts singing] I am so smart!...
There is nothing in the world half so pleasant as a woman with a sense of humor. -- Charles McCabe
If you're so smart... Why ain't you reasonable?