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In What Other Country Than America Can A Person Like Me Say To A Person Like You, "Why Don't You Get Out Of America?
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In what other country than America can a person like me say to a person
like you, "Why don't you get out of America?"
-- Stanley Myron Handelmann
You can say what you please in America, but nobody listens.
REPORTER: Senator, are you for or against the MX missile system?
SENATOR: Bob, the MX missile system reminds me of an old saying that the country folk in my state like to say....
When you start talking about sleaze, I think some in the media ought to look in the mirror.
Now what's the motivation of this? I can't think of any other motivating factor other than you want to hurt the President and help Bill Clinton....
Yar: "Captain Jean-Luc Picard, I wish I could say you've been like a father to me, but I've never had one so I don't know what it feels like.
But if there was one person in this universe who I would choose to be like, someone who I would want to make proud of me, it's you....
There are some goyisha names that just about guarantee that someone isn't Jewish.
For example, you'll never meet a Jew named Johnson or Wright or Jones or Sinclair or Ricks or Stevenson or Reid or Larsen or Jenks....
There are some goyisha names that just about guarantee that someone isn't Jewish.
For example, you'll never meet a Jew named Johnson or Wright or Jones or Sinclair or Ricks or Stevenson or Reid or Larsen or Jenks....