It Still Brings To Mind The Question Of What (if Anything) Can Be Done To Show The Media That 'cyberpunks' Aren't Just A Bunch Of Pimple-faced Geeks Who Sit Around Trying To Break Into Bank Computers Or Whatever.

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It still brings to mind the question of what (if anything) can be done
to show the media that 'cyberpunks' aren't just a bunch of pimple-faced
geeks who sit around trying to break into bank computers or whatever.
-- James Hartman (phaedrus@flatline.UUCP)

But cyberpunks *are* a bunch of pimple-faced geeks who sit around trying to
break into bank computers or whatever. Re-read _Neuromancer_ and apply the
inverse James Bond transformation to Case and his cohorts. They're all
supposed to be totally out of shape, with their disdain for the `meat'.
-- Peter da Silva (
