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Licker Talks Mighty Loud W'en It Gets Loose Fum De Jug.
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Licker talks mighty loud w'en it gets loose fum de jug.
-- Joel C. Harris, "Uncle Remus: Plantation Proverbs"
You k'n hide de fier, but w'at you gwine do wid de smoke?
-- Joel Chandler Harris, proverbs of Uncle Remu...
The C shell is flakier than a snowstorm. -- Guy Harri
No creo en Dios, pero le tengo miedo. [I don't believe in God, but I'm afraid of Him.
] -- Gabriel Garcia Marquez, -- "El Amor en los Tiempos de Colera", 1985...
He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty
and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city. -- Old Testament -- Proverbs xvi, 32...
No epigram contains the whole truth. -- C. W. Thompso
When in doubt, power cycle. -- Rule of thumb number 26 -- Joel C. Corcora
aitch, are, ay, bee, cue, dee, double u, ee, ef, el, em, en, ess, ex, eye, gee, jay, kay, oh, pea, see, tee, vee, why, you, zee -- S.
Harris, on the design of EBCDIC...
The beginning of wisdom is fear (respect for) of God.
-- Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616) "Don Quixote," see Proverbs 1:7...
arball n. [very common; prob. based on the "tar baby" in the Uncle Remus folk tales] An archive, created with the Unix tar(1) utility, containing myriad related files.
Here, I'll just ftp you a tarball of the whole project....