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Lore: "I Have More Than I Ever Dreamed Possible, Brother..." -- "Datalore", Stardate 41242.4
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Lore: "I have more than I ever dreamed possible, brother..."
-- "Datalore", Stardate 41242.4
How sad, dear brother, you make me wish I were an only child.
-- Data to Lore, "Datalore", stardate 41242.4...
Back off or I'll turn your little man into a torch.
I promise him exquisite pain. -- Lore, "Datalore", stardate 41242.4...
Lesson #1 in becoming more human. You must observe all human customs.
-- Lore to Data, "Datalore", stardate 41242.4...
Now my own suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we *can* suppose.
I have read and heard many attempts at a systematic account of it, from materialism and theosophy to the Christian systems or that of Kant, and I have always felt that they were too simple....
Beverly: "I heard you know how to turn him on." Wesley
This is serious, Wes!" -- "Datalore", Stardate 41242.4...
So just tell me to 'Shut up, Wesley' and I will. -- Wesley, "Datalore", stardate 41242.4
The troublesome little man child. Are you prepared for the kind of death you've earned little man?
-- Lore to Wesley, "Datalore", stardate 41242.4...
I'm Losing More Than I Ever Had.
If you had an off switch, doctor, would you not keep it a secret?
I guess I would. -- Data and Dr. Crusher, "Datalore", stardate 41242.4...