"`Lousy stinking radicals,' he opines, `figure the law is
there for you to hide behind... Well, the law _isn't_ there
for you to hide behind, it's there for _us_ to hide behind...
the good and law-abiding people of this great city-state.' His
fists are like twin sledgehammers dealing out pure and righteous
justice... `You're either with us or against us, vermin... That's
what freedom's all about.' His roach-sense floods the room...
ping! ping! ping! And detects the presence of a heavily unarmed
malcontent...`Taste boot, scum...'"
-- Cerebus
How many
ping pong players
-- does it take to change a light bulb?
Four. One to complain that it's "table tennis" not "ping
pong", one to change the light bulb, one to protest about the
type of glue he used to fix the light bulb into place, and
one to get out his copy of the "Bats 'R' Us" catalogue and
point out that he could have bought an even better one for
50p less....