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A Nation's Advance As A Civilized Society Can Be Properly Guaged By The Manner In Which It Treats The Poor And The Elderly - Often The Same People.
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A nation's advance as a civilized society can be properly guaged by the
manner in which it treats the poor and the elderly - often the same people.
There are truths which can kill a nation.
Commandment Number One of any truly civilized society is thi
Let people be different. -- David Grayso...
The manner in which it is given is often worth more than the gift.
No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand which conducts the affairs of men more than the people of the United States.
Every step by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency....
Cherishing children is the mark of a civilized society. -- Joan Ganz Cooney
The only true time which a man can properly call his own, is that which he has all to himself
he rest, though in some sense he may be said to live it, is other people's time, not his....
Many mental processes admit of being roughly measured.
For instance, the degree to which people are bored, by counting the number of their fidgets....
Civilized people need love for full sexual satisfaction.