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Multimedia Extensions For OS/2. Launched By Multimedia For Amiga.
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Multimedia extensions for OS/2. Launched by multimedia for Amiga.
Multimedia: an answer looking for an application.
WHY JOHNNY CAN'T READ-Now available on VHS (& multimedia)
Quote #218 Dilbert: "I created a computerized, interactive, multimedia training tool for the department.
Boss: "Wonderful. Make some photocopies and route them around....
bomb 1. v. General synonym for crash (sense 1) except that it is not used as a nou
esp. used of software or OS failures. "Don't run Empire with less than 32K stack, it'll bomb....
bomb: 1. v. General synonym for {crash} (sense 1) except that it is not used as a nou
esp. used of software or OS failures. "Don't run Empire with less than 32K stack, it'll bomb....
Amiga Error #2 User reached puberty, unable to continue
demoscene /dem'oh-seen/ [also `demo scene'] A culture of multimedia hackers located primarily in Scandinavia and northern Europe.
Demoscene folklore recounts that when old-time warez d00dz cracked some piece of advertisement of in the beginning, usually containing colorful display hacks with greetings to other cracking groups....
Lawyers do it with extensions in their briefs.
What I'd like to see is a prohibition on Microsoft incorporating multi-megabyte Easter Eggs and other stupid bloatware into Windows and Office.
A typical computer with pre-installed Microsoft shoveware probably only has about 3 megabytes of hard drive space free because of flight simulators, pinball games, and multimedia credits Easter Eggs that nobody wants....