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Never Get Too Serious In Life, Because After Serious, The Next Step Is Being Dull, And After That It Is A Short Step To Boring.
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Never get too serious in life, because after serious, the next step is
being dull, and after that it is a short step to boring.
Seriousness is the very next step to being dull.
INCONTINENCE Now let's make it clear. Incontinence is not something to be laughed at.
It is a very serious and discomforting condition. It can't be easy walking around with large amounts of urine wanting to leap into the outside world at every step....
NEWT One of those really small beasties that annoys little kids because they're too small to step on.
I dunno though - if you were flying along and got caught in the downward air-draught of a descending foot, it'd do serious damage, wouldn't it?...
Never step on a cursed engraving.
Life's boring after 1000 years, so kill yerself!
TRIANGLE Three-sided object which, even in isosceles form, begins to get very boring after only a short time.
For maximum excitement, an object with many more sides should be considered....
ROBOCOMM - Because life's too short to dial manually...
That's about as serious as I get! [GRIN]
People will say "Watch your step" to you only after you have taken a vicious fall.