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Now You've Done It. It Seems That The Brick Has Other Properties Than Weight, Namely The Ability To Blow You To Smithereens.
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Now you've done it. It seems that the brick has other properties
than weight, namely the ability to blow you to smithereens.
Did you hear that some experimental botanist has developed a strain of marijuana with aphrodisiac properties that he calls TUMBLEWEED.
You need to lose weight.
If you want work well done, select a busy man -- the other kind has no time -- Elbert Hubbard
With a little luck, there's no reason why you can't live to be one hundred.
Once you 've done that, you've got it made, because very few people die over one hundred....
Long's Notes 1) Always store beer in a dark place.
2) Any priest or shaman must be presumed guilty until proved innocent....
Burns: The telephone has been ringing for some time.
[severely] Answer it. Homer: [answers] Yello....
Anonymous Noncoward writes, "For my Economics 101 class, I have to pretend to be Bill Gates and write an editorial defending Microsoft against anti-trust charges, citing economic principles.
To complete such an assignment violates every moral fiber of my body....
Everthing is farther away than it used to be. It is even twice as far to the corner and they have added a hill.
I have given up running for the bus; it leaves earlier than it used to....
You can lead practically any animal to water, but if you can get that critter to blow bubbles through a straw, then by golly, you've done something.