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Of Course Power Tools And Alcohol Don't Mix. Everyone Knows Power Tools Aren't Soluble In Alcohol.
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Of course power tools and alcohol don't mix. Everyone knows power tools aren't
soluble in alcohol...
-- Crazy Nigel
Of course power tools and alcohol don't mix. Everyone knows power tools aren't soluble in alcohol.
.. -- Crazy Nigel...
Gunpowder and alcohol DO mix - but it tastes awful.
Guppies dancing among brightly colored power tools, their ears ablaze.
Poetry and Power Tools: "The sun creeps up / THE DAY AWAKES / ...
There is no realizable power that man cannot, in time, fashion the tools to attain, nor any power so secure that the naked ape will not abuse it.
So it is written in the genetic cards -- only physics and war hold him in check....
There is no realizable power that man cannot, in time, fashion the tools to attain, nor any power so secure that the naked ape will not abuse it.
So it is written in the genetic cards -- only physics and war hold him in check....
There is no realizable power that man cannot, in time, fashion the tools to attain, nor any power so secure that the naked ape will not abuse it.
So it is written in the genetic cards -- only physics and war hold him in check....