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Old Boston Laws Prohibit Taking A Bath More Than Once A Week Or Without A Written Prescription From A Medical Doctor.
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Old Boston laws prohibit taking a bath more than once a week
or without a written prescription from a medical doctor.
You may be redneck... if you take a bath only once a week.
Example is a living law, whose sway Men more than all the written laws obey. -- Sedley
There's nothing more restful than taking orders from fools.
The following appeared in a local newspaper. "People should not be misled by the advertising competition between Coldex and Cold-Away
both popular over-the-counter cold medications that anyone can purchase without a doctor's prescription....
Medical staff..... A doctor's cane.
The patient went to his doctor for a checkup, and the doctor wrote out a prescription for him in his usual illegible writing.
The patient put it in his pocket, but he forgot to have it filled....
Success in any realm of life comes more often from taking chances or risks than from careful and cautious planning.
We pass through this world but once. Few tragedies can be more extensive than the stunting of life
few injustices deeper than the denial of an opportunity to strive or even to hope, by a limit imposed from without, but falsely identified as lying within....
The following appeared in a medical newsletter. "Doctors have long suspected that secondary infections may keep some patients from healing quickly after severe muscle strain.
This hypothesis has now been proved by preliminary results of a study of two groups of patients....