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One Woman Can Make You Fly Like An Eagle. Another Can Give You The Strength Of A Lion.
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One woman can make you fly like an eagle. Another can give you the
strength of a lion. But only one in a cycle of lives can fill you with
gladness and the wisdom that you have known a singular joy.
-- Hawk, from Twin Peaks
A woman went into a hospital one day to give birth.
Afterwards, the doctor came to her and said, "I have some....
I guess you say that about most things in life; it isn't so bad as long as you can keep the fear from your mind.
-- Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)...
No one can be like you. No one is that desperate.
The things I tell you will not be wrong. Better to listen than to talk.
"I believe you." "Don't search for all the answers at once....
That gum you like is going to come back in style." -- Twin Peak
If you lose a son, you can always get another. But there is only one Maltese Falcon.
If you lose a son you can always get another, but there's only one Maltese Falcon.
-- Sidney Greenstreet, "The Maltese Falco...
The only one who can tell you "you can't" is you. And you don't have to listen.
-- Nike advertiseme...
If you say nothing no one can make you repeat it.