:PDL: /P-D-L/, /pid'l/, /p*d'l/ or /puhd'l/ 1. n. `Program
Design Language'. Any of a large class of formal and profoundly
useless pseudo-languages in which {management} forces one to
design programs. Too often, management expects PDL descriptions to
be maintained in parallel with the code, imposing massive overhead
to little or no benefit. See also {{flowchart}}. 2. v. To design
using a program design language. "I've been pdling so long my
eyes won't focus beyond 2 feet." 3. n. `Page Description
Language'. Refers to any language which is used to control a
graphics device, usually a laserprinter. The most common example
is, of course, Adobe's {{PostScript}} language, but there are many
others, such as Xerox InterPress, etc.
-- The AI Hackers Dictionary
PostScript:: n. A Page Description Language ({PDL}) based on
work originally done by John Gaffney at Evans and Sutherland in
1976, evolving through `JaM' (`John and Martin', Martin Newell) at
{XEROX PARC}, and finally implemented in its current form by
John Warnock et al....