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Peace Hath Her Victories No Less Renown'd Than War.
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Peace hath her victories
No less renown'd than war.
-- John Milton (1608-1674)
-- To the Lord General Cromwell
The world will never have lasting peace so long as men reserve for war the finest human qualities.
Peace, no less than war, requires idealism and self-sacrifice and a righteous and dynamic faith....
His form had yet not lost All her original brightness, nor appear'd Less than archangel ruin'd, and th' excess Of glory obscur'd.
-- John Milton (1608-1674) -- Paradise Lost, Book i, Line 591...
Necessity hath no law. -- Oliver Cromwell
In less than a century, computers will be making substantial progress on .
.. the overriding problem of war and peace. -- James Slagle...
Accuse not Nature: she hath done her part; Do thou but thine.
-- John Milton (1608-1674) -- Paradise Lost, Book viii, Line 561...
Enjoy your dear wit and gay rhetoric, That hath so well been taught her dazzling fence.
-- John Milton (1608-1674) -- Comus, Line 790...
They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist..." (Killed in battle during US Civil War.
) ~~ General John Sedgwick, Union Commander, d. 1864...
Rather than be less, Car'd not to be at all.
-- John Milton (1608-1674) -- Paradise Lost, Book ii, Line 47...
I can think of nothing less pleasurable than a life devoted to pleasure. -- John D. Rockefelle