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People Look At You Kind Of Funny When You Walk Down The Street Naked With A Gun.
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People look at you kind of funny when you walk down
the street naked with a gun.
First, a few words about tools. Basically, a tool is an object that enables you to take advantage of the laws of physics and mechanics in such a way that you can seriously injure yourself.
Today, people tend to take tools for granted. If you're ever walking down the street and you notice some people who look particularly smug, the odds are that they are taking tools for granted....
First, a few words about tools. Basically, a tool is an object that enables you to take advantage of the laws of physics and mechanics in such a way that you can seriously injure yourself.
Today, people tend to take tools for granted. If you're ever walking down the street and you notice some people who look particularly smug, the odds are that they are taking tools for granted....
If you want to hide your face, walk naked.
If you think this is funny, look in a mirror.
That's funny, you don't LOOK Druish....
25 states allow anyone to buy a gun, strap it on, and walk down the street with no permit of any kind
ome say it's crazy. However, 4 out of 5 US murders are committed in the other half of the country...
When you don't know what to do, walk fast and look worried.
MUSIC A terribly, terribly subjective thing. [Don't see Megabogue] Classicists argue that the best music moves transparently into your brai
and makes you fall asleep without even realising it(*)....