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Picard: "Now At The Risk Of Being Rude--" Q: "Yes, Once Again, I Overstate My Welcome.
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Picard: "Now at the risk of being rude--"
Q: "Yes, once again, I overstate my welcome. As a human, I was ill-equipped to
thank you. But as myself, you have my everlasting gratitude. Until next
-- "Deja Q", Stardate 43539.1
Picard: "Human or not, I want no part of you." -- "Deja Q", Stardate 43539.1
Please don't fall back on your tired cliche of charging to the rescue just in the nick of time.
I don't want to be rescued. My life as a human being has been a dismal failure....
Q: "If you think I tormented you in the past, my little friends, wait until see what I do with you now!
Q2: "Q..." Q: "I was just seeing if you were...still watching." -- "Deja Q", Stardate 43539.1...
This is getting on my that I have them. -- Q, "Deja Q", stardate 43539.1
I stand before you defrocked. Condemned to be a member of this lowest of species.
A normal, imperfect, lumpen human being. -- Q, "Deja Q", stardate 43539.1...
I HAVE no powers. Q, the ordinary. "Q, the liar. Q, the misanthrope.
Q, the miserable. Q, the desperate. What must I do to convince you people?...
Data: "That is part of my dilemma. I have the curiosity of humans, but there are questions that I will never have the questions to.
What it is like to laugh, or cry, or to experience any human emotions....
Q: "You have a moon in a deteriorating orbit. I've known moons throughout the universe.
Big ones, small ones, I'm an expert. I could help you with this one, if you'll let me out of here....
Q: "You don't believe me, do you? Do you think I would humiliate myself like this?
Riker: "If it served your purpose, yes!" -- "Deja Q", Stardate 43539.1...