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Picard: "Shuttle Occupant, Identify Yourself." Q: "Don't Try And Talk Me Out Of It, Jean-Luc.
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Picard: "Shuttle occupant, identify yourself."
Q: "Don't try and talk me out of it, Jean-Luc."
Picard: "Q, return to the ship immediately!"
Q: "I just can't get used to following orders."
-- "Deja Q", Stardate 43539.1
Q: "Truthfully, Jean-Luc, I've been entirely preoccupied by a most *frightening* experience of my on.
A couple of hours ago, I realized that my body was no longer functioning properly....
Picard: "Well, I suppose that is the end of Q." -- "Deja Q", Stardate 43539.1
Picard: "Q!" Q: "But I feel like celebrating!" Picard
I don't!" Q: "All right!" -- "Deja Q", Stardate 43539.1...
If you are human, which I seriously doubt, you will have to work hard to earn our trust.
I'm not worried about that Jean-Luc. You only dislike me, there are others in the cosmos who truly despise me....
Q: "You can't do this to me, Jean-Luc." -- "Deja Q", Stardate 43539.1
Q: "You've disappointed me, Jean-Luc. I'm very disappointed!" -- "Deja Q", Stardate 43539.1
Picard: "Human or not, I want no part of you." -- "Deja Q", Stardate 43539.1
Picard: "Mister Worf, keep a close eye on Q's friends out there." -- "Deja Q", Stardate 43539.1
Perhaps there's a residue of humanity in Q after all.
Ensign, en- Don't bet on it Picard. -- Picard and Q, "Deja Q", stardate 43539.1...