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Pyrrhus Said, "If I Should Overcome The Romans In Another Fight, I Were Undone.
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Pyrrhus said, "If I should overcome the Romans in another fight, I
were undone."
-- Plutarch (46-120 AD)
-- Pyrrhus
Another such victory over the Romans, and we are undone. -- Pyrrhu
Pyrrhus, when his friends congratulated to him his victory over the Romans under Fabricius, but with great slaughter of his own side, said to them, "Ye
but if we have such another victory, we are undone....
Another victory like that and we are done for: Pyrrhu
You speak truth," said Themistocles; "I should never have been famous if I had been of Seriphu
-- Plutarch (46-120 AD) -- Life of Themistocle...
Cato said, "I had rather men should ask why my statue is not set up, than why it is.
-- Plutarch (46-120 AD) -- Political Precep...
Alexander was wont to say, "Were I not Alexander, I would be Diogenes.
-- Plutarch (46-120 AD) -- Of the Fortune or Virtue of Alexander the Grea...
Marius said, "I see the cure is not worth the pain.
-- Plutarch (46-120 AD) -- Life of Caius Mariu...
I will show," said Agesilaus, "that it is not the places that grace men, but men the places.
-- Plutarch (46-120 AD) -- Laconic Apophthegms, Of Agesilaus the Grea...
Once when Bion was at sea in the company of some wicked men, he fell into the hands of pirate
and when the rest said, "We are undone if we are known,"--"But I," said he, "am undone if we are not known....