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Q2: "They Just Tried To, Mmm, Beam You Up, Back, Whatever It Is They Call It!
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Q2: "They just tried to, mmm, beam you up, back, whatever it is they call it!"
Q: "Really?"
Q2: "Ah, I stopped them."
-- "Deja Q", Stardate 43539.1
Q: "Well, if the Calamarians hurry up and finish me off, we can get you back on your way.
Q2: "Mmm, afraid I put them on hold too. You see, there's still this matter of the....
Q2: "Now you and I both know that the Calamarian would've eventually destroyed the Enteprise to get to you.
And that's really why you left, right?" Q: "It was a teeny bit selfless, wasn't it?...
Q2: "Hmm, fine, hmm, huuh, you got your powers back!
Q2: "Try and stay out of trouble." -- "Deja Q", Stardate 43539.1...
Q: "What're you doing here?" Q2: "Oh, I've been trying track of you.
Q: "I always thought you were in my corner." Q2: "Naw, ah, no, nah....
Q: "Q!" Q2: "Ah! Sacrificing yourself for these humans?
Do I detect a littttle selfless act?" Q: "You flatter me....
Q: "If you think I tormented you in the past, my little friends, wait until see what I do with you now!
Q2: "Q..." Q: "I was just seeing if you were...still watching." -- "Deja Q", Stardate 43539.1...
Q2: "But somebody had to keep an eye on you to make sure you still didn't find a way to cause trouble, even as a member of this, hmm, limited species.
Q: "Well, I, I hope I've been entertaining you." Q2: "Barely." -- "Deja Q", Stardate 43539.1...
Q2: "But, I find these humans rather interesting. I'm beginning to understand what you see in them.
After all of the things that you've done, they're still intent on keeping you safe!...
Q2: "Ewweh! What a dreadful color!" Q: "Yeah." -- "Deja Q", Stardate 43539.1