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R&D Is Not Something That Can Be Useful Alone... R&D Is Part Of A Product- Making Process.
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R&D is not something that can be useful alone... R&D is part of a product-
making process.
-- Ralph E. Gomory, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, New York City
Always remember, that someone, somewhere, is making a product that will make your product obselete.
-- Georges Doriot, founder of American R & D...
GAT d-- -p+ c++(+++) l- u+(++) e++(*) m+ s-/+ n+ h f* g+ w+ t+ r+ !y
S! P! R! I! N! G! F! E! E! L! D!! Springfield!!!!!
-- Homer spells out the town name while dressed as... "Dancin' Home...
GCV 2.1 GAT/M/CS d--(-+) H-- s++:-- g+ p? !au a-(?) w+++ v+ C+++$
UVS++++$ P+>+++ L- 3+++ E-(++) N++ K W--- M+ V-- -po+(+) Y+ t+ !...
GC2.1 d--- H s-:- g++ p? au-- a- w+++ v* C+++ U[A-z]+++$
P+++ L+++ 3- E? N+++ K-- !W M V++ po Y++ M !t !5 !j R- G !tv b !D B- e+++ u+ h+ f r n-- y+...
(D)inner not ready: (A)bort (R)etry (P)izza
GCS d H- s:+>s g+(!) p1 au+ a29 w+ v+(?) C++ ULSX++++$
P+++ L++ 3- E N++ K--- W M+ V-- -po+ Y+ t+ 5+ j- R+++(+) G''' tv b !D B- e+ u* h- f r++ n+ y+...
W el l, I f ou n d th e s pac e b a
Canadian Alphabet:eh,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z.