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Real Time, Adj.: Here And Now, As Opposed To Fake Time, Which Only Occurs There And Then.
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Real Time, adj.: Here and now, as opposed to fake time, which only occurs there
and then.
Real Time, adj.: Here and now, as opposed to fake time, which only occurs there and then.
Quote #66 Real Time, adj.: Here and now, as opposed to fake time, which only occurs there and then.
ot ready for prime time adj. Usable, but only just so
ot very robust; for internal use only. Said of a program or device....
ot ready for prime time: adj. Usable, but only just so
ot very robust; for internal use only. Said of a program or device....
wall time n. (also `wall clock time') 1. `Real world' time (what the clock on the wall shows), as opposed to the system clock's idea of time.
2. The real running time of a program, as opposed to the number of ticks required to execute it (on a timesharing system these always differ, as no one program gets all the ticks, and on multiprocessor systems with good thread support one may get more processor time than real time)....
wall time: n. (also `wall clock time') 1. `Real world' time (what the clock on the wall shows), as opposed to the system clock's idea of time.
2. The real running time of a program, as opposed to the number of {tick}s required to execute it (on a timesharing system these always differ, as no one program gets all the ticks, and on multiprocessor systems with good thread support one may get more processor time than real time)....
Justice is the only worship. Love is the only priest.
Ignorance is the only slavery. Happiness is the only good....
No use getting too involved in life--you're only here for a limited time.