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Recurving: Leaving One Job To Take Another That Pays Less But Places One Back On The Learning Curve.
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Leaving one job to take another that pays less but places one
back on the learning curve.
-- Douglas Coupland, Generation X
Ozmosis: The inability of one's job to live up to one's self-image.
-- Douglas Coupland, Generation X...
Poor Buoyancy: The realization that one was a better person when one had less money.
-- Douglas Coupland, Generation X...
Occupational Slumming: Taking a job well beneath one's skill or education level as a means of retreat from adult responsibilities and/or avoiding possible failure in one's true occupation.
-- Douglas Coupland, Generation X...
McJob: A low-pay, low-prestige, low-dignity, low-benefit, no-future job in the service sector.
Frequently considered a satisfying career choice by people who have never held one....
Dorian Graying: The unwillingness to gracefully allow one's body to show signs of aging.
-- Douglas Coupland, Generation X...
Strangelove Reproduction: Having children to make up for the fact that one no longer believes in the future.
-- Douglas Coupland, Generation X...
Virgin Runway: A travel destination chosen in the hopes that no one else has chosen it.
-- Douglas Coupland, Generation X...
Successophobia: The fear that if one is successful, then one's personal needs will be forgotten and one will no longer have one's childish needs catered to.
-- Douglas Coupland, Generation X...
Mental Ground Zero: The location where one visualizes oneself during the dropping of the atomic bomb
frequently, a shopping mall. -- Douglas Coupland, Generation X...