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Riker: "The Remains Of Another Ship." LaForge: "It's A Good Possibility.
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Riker: "The remains of another ship."
LaForge: "It's a good possibility."
Worf: "Or perhaps, we were engaged in battle.""
-- "Conundrum", Stardate 45494.2
Riker: "A good chance, this is our ship. Looks like you're the leader.
Worf: "Perhaps we should not jump to conclusions....
Riker: "We're going to search the ship." Worf: "Very well, *proceed*.
-- "Conundrum", Stardate 45494.2...
Data: "There is another possibility. Perhaps my origin is unique.
In that case I am alone." -- "Conundrum", Stardate 45494.2...
Worf: "As soon as the ship is operational, we must make it combat-ready.
Picard: "Well, I would recommend that before we prepare for combat we try to access the ship's logs, find out who we are, what our purpose here might be....
Computer: "Commanding Officer, Captain Jean-Luc Picard.
Executive Officer, Commander Keiran MacDuff. Second Officer, Commander William Riker....
MacDuff: "Memory or no, it seems clear that you and I were born for battle.
.. more so than the others." Worf: "I thought this as well....
Ro: "And what was all of that about?" Riker: "Oh, we were just discussing the.
..situation we're all in." Ro: "Mmm, good. Because I have a feeling that I used to be the jealous type....
Riker: "Captain Scott, Lieutenant Worf." Scott: "'Lieutenant'?
Worf: "Yes." Riker: "Captain, perhaps there are a few things we should talk about....
LaForge: "Looks like we're all in the same boat." Rike
Make that 'the same starship'." -- "Conundrum", Stardate 45494.2...