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Riker: "We Know You're Behind This, Q." Q: "*These* Aren't My Colors!
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Riker: "We know you're behind this, Q."
Q: "*These* aren't my colors! And what're you blathering about, Riker?!"
-- "Deja Q", Stardate 43539.1
You're so stolid. You weren't like that before the beard.
-- Q to Riker, "Deja Q", stardate 43539.1...
These aren't my colors! -- Q, "Deja Q," stardate 43539.1.
Q: "Don't fret, Riker. My good fortune is your good fortune." -- "Deja Q", Stardate 43539.1
Q: "You don't believe me, do you? Do you think I would humiliate myself like this?
Riker: "If it served your purpose, yes!" -- "Deja Q", Stardate 43539.1...
What did you do to them, Q? Oh, nothing bizarre, nothing grotesque.
-- Picard and Q, "Deja Q", stardate 43539.1...
I'm forgiven. My brothers and sisters of the continuum have taken me back.
I'm immortal again, omnipotent again. Swell. -- Q and Riker, "Deja Q", stardate 43539.1...
Will you stop interrupting me. I mean, this is hardly a time to be teaching you the true nature of the universe.
-- Q to Riker, "Hide and Q", stardate 41590.5...
You tormented them!" "A subjective term, Riker. One creature's torment is another creature's delight.
They simply have no sense of humor, a character flaw with which you can personally identify....
Q: Have you heard about the man who didn't pay for his exorcism? A: He got re-possessed!