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Riker: "Welcome Aboard, Sir. I'm Commander Riker, First Officer.
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Riker: "Welcome aboard, sir. I'm Commander Riker, first officer."
Maxwell: "I know all about you, commander. Fine work you did with
the Borg. We all owe you on that one." Riker: "Thank you, sir."
-- "The Wounded", Stardate 44431.7
Riker: "Lieutenant Worf, everyone in this room shares my respect for your service to this ship.
But right now, I need your experience at Tactical....
Riker: "Commander Shelby, prepare to initiate your plan to separate the saucer section when we find the Borg.
Shelby: "Sir, I must remind you that Captain Picard was briefed on that plan....
Shelby: "Captain Riker, based on our past relationship, there's no reason for me to expect to becoming your first officer except that you need me.
I know how to get things done and I have the expertise on the Borg....
Riker: "Commander, we don't have to like each other to work well together.
As a matter of fact, I'd like you to continue to keep me on my toes....
LaForge: "Commander, are you all right?! You okay?
Riker: "I didn't see it coming." -- "True Q", Stardate 46192.3...
Riker: "The point is that I didn't get the chance." Ro
'The point is', with all due respect, Commander, you are trying to turn me into your idea of the model officer....
Troi: "I was just visiting, uh... We'll talk again soon, Commander.
Riker: "Of course. Thank you, Counselor." Ro: "Bye." -- "Conundrum", Stardate 45494.2...
Riker: "I'm Commander William Riker from the Starship Enteprise.
Dokachin: "Dokachin, Quartermaster Surplus Depot Zed One Five....
Picard: "Well done, Mister Data. Though...I don't think you got Commander Riker's hair quite right.
Data: "I will be more observant in the future, sir." -- "Unification II", Stardate 45245.8...